If your animal is currently undergoing or recently underwent treatment by a Veterinarian, or has a pre-existing or suspected medical condition, or if you know or believe your animal has any of the contraindications or considerations mentioned under the "Contraindications" Section on this Website, please download the Vet Consent Form below, and ask your Vet to complete the relevant details and sign it or stamp it with their Vet Practices Stamp if they approve Osteopathy, Bodywork and/or Nebuliser sessions for your animal, send back to me once completed and signed.
Thank you.
* If you do not have a Veterinarian, below is the official list of Equine and Small Animal Veterinarians by area (⚠️ it does warn you that it might not be a safe site, but it is the official government website):
All of the information on this site and before, during, and after your horse’s or dog’s session is not intended to replace Veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment,
your Vet is the most important person in your animals health and wellbeing team and should always be your first call if you have a concern about your animal.